Friday, August 5, 2011

"One small step for Mason, one giant leap for mom's sanity!"

Potty training started off to be a relatively easy process. We started this journey back in April because Mason woke up one morning and said he didn't want to wear a diaper anymore. It was very spur of the moment and very unplanned but I went with it because he was willing and we haven't been back to diapers since. The first few weeks of being diaper free weren't so bad. We would remind Mason usually every 30 minutes to an hour and he would go or at least try. I expected accidents hear and there, so mentally I had prepared myself. Over the next few months he could go longer stretches at a time but would still need to be reminded. He gets so busy playing I think he just forgets.
The one thing I had not prepared myself for were all the number 2 accidents. I knew that it might take a little longer for him to get the concept being a boy in all, but I never once dreamed it would take 4 long months! I knew Mason was smart enough and knew the concept of what to do, so I had high expectations for him. This is where I was wrong. My sweet mother reminded me the other day that we all know in our head what to do but sometimes our bodies just aren't there yet. So I began to back off asking him every five minutes if he needed to go.
So all this to say that Mason has gone number 2 in the potty at least 3 times this week. The best part about it was that he told me he needed to go and I haven't had to clean out any poopy underwear this week!!! This is such a huge accomplishment for Mason and I am so proud of him. I'm sure there will be more accidents in our future but I think it's important to celebrate the small steps!!

These are a few of the toys he got for going to the potty. Bribery was a last resort, but hey it worked :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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