The one thing I had not prepared myself for were all the number 2 accidents. I knew that it might take a little longer for him to get the concept being a boy in all, but I never once dreamed it would take 4 long months! I knew Mason was smart enough and knew the concept of what to do, so I had high expectations for him. This is where I was wrong. My sweet mother reminded me the other day that we all know in our head what to do but sometimes our bodies just aren't there yet. So I began to back off asking him every five minutes if he needed to go.
So all this to say that Mason has gone number 2 in the potty at least 3 times this week. The best part about it was that he told me he needed to go and I haven't had to clean out any poopy underwear this week!!! This is such a huge accomplishment for Mason and I am so proud of him. I'm sure there will be more accidents in our future but I think it's important to celebrate the small steps!!
These are a few of the toys he got for going to the potty. Bribery was a last resort, but hey it worked :)
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Way to go Sir Mason!! Im so proud! haha