Monday, November 28, 2011

Maddie is 11 months old!

Wow oh Wow how can my baby be 11 months old! In just a few short weeks she will be turning one! Here is what Maddie girl has been up to.....

Maddie is into everything! She is super fast and so quiet! She pulls up to everything and will let go. She hasn't taken any steps yet but I know we are getting close.

Maddie got her first tooth on 11-11-11! I tried getting a picture but have had no luck.
She says mama, dada, and bubba. She babbles alot of sounds too but who knows what she is really saying. She has also started to wave bye-bye. She can be pretty selective with those!

Maddie is eating pretty much all table foods. She loves pretty much anything that we give her.
She is still not sleeping through the night but, I'm hoping that will change any time now!

My baby is getting so big and constantly changing! She has the cutest laugh and a smile that will warm your heart! My love for her grows daily and am so blessed to have her in our lives!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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