Monday, March 26, 2012

Maddie at 15 months

Maddie is 15 months old and so much fun! She is still quite small for her age weighing in at 20 pounds( 15th percentile) and 27 1/2 inches tall( 10th percentile).
She is wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

One word to describe Maddie at this age is BUSY!! She is constantly on the move and into something she's usually not suppose to be in. She loves when we sing and she usually joins in by clapping and dancing.

Maddie still doesn't say too much but she sure knows how to get her point across. She points to things and if we don't understand or oblige her request she throws quite the fit. This involves grunting, rolling on the floor or crying.

Maddie loves to eat. She usually eats whatever we give her, but sometimes she just shakes her head no or throws it on the floor.
She definitely knows how to get her point across.
It is so fun to watch Maddie grow. She is constantly learning new things and soaking it all in. She can definately be a handful at times but I wouldn't trade her or this life for anything. She is so precious to me!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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