Thursday, August 30, 2012

San Antonio Trip

We took a mini vacation with Nini and Pop Pop to San Antonio. We had such a good time!
The first day we got there around dinner and went to eat at Saltgrass to celebrate daddy's birthday! After dinner we took a boat ride that Mason loved!

Day two we went to Fiesta Texas.
They had a ton of kiddie rides and the kids had a blast. Maddie wanted to ride everything but she couldn't because she is so small.

Mid day treat!

Mason and Nini riding the antique cars.

Day three we did a little shopping in the morning then decided to try and find an indoor jump place for the kids. Well one detour and 30 miles later we finally found one.

Maddie loved this Dino ride so much. She got so upset when we came back to it and someone else was on it. As soon as they got off she ran to it and said mine.

After the jump place we ventured back towards the hotel stopping at the Alamo for a quick pic.

We promised Mason a toy so this is what he picked out...

He loves his new ironman costume!
Maddie wanted to try it on too!

It felt so good to get away and we all had so much fun!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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