Thursday, January 5, 2012

Catch up....

I am way behind on blogging these days so here is a little bit of catch up. My mom has my camera so these are all from my phone.

Here are a few pics from Christmas morning. Mason was surprisingly patient while we waited for daddy to come home from work. I did let him open his stocking.

Here are the kids with there unopened gifts from Santa. Mason touched his and it started talking. His face lit up and he said "Santa got me a Bumblebee!". Oops. Santa should probably not put batteries in next time.

The week after Christmas we spent a few days at my mom's house. One day we took Both kids to an early showing of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Mason loved it and Maddie slept.

We also went to a park that had this huge spiderweb that you could climb in. Mason absolutely loved it!!

Next we thought we would get out of the wind so we headed to Let's Jump. Mason and I and Zuzu all played on the many bounce houses. It was quite exhausting but again Mason loved it!

Up next is Mason's First Dentist Experience!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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