Thursday, January 26, 2012

Maddie's 13 month post

Well I'm a few days late but I wanted to document what Miss Maddie has been up to the past month.

Maddie is a serious walker now. She walks just about everywhere now and just occasionally crawls.
She is also starting to talk more. She can say mama, dada, bubba, bye-bye, papi and hi. She says those words consistently. She is trying to say more words like drink, she calls dink. It is so precious. She has also been known to say someone's name and point at them, like Jacque and Zuzu but we can't get her to repeat them. It has to be her idea!

She loves to clap her hands and she can now blow kisses. She also knows where her belly button is.
Maddie has been sleeping so much better this month. It has been wonderful. She has been going to bed without a fuss around seven and usually wakes between four and five. On a really good night she sleeps later. Most days when she wakes up early she will go back to sleep in our bed.
Maddie got some new teeth this month!! She now has four front bottom teeth and two of her top molars have poked through. She still does not have any front top teeth but her poor gums are so swollen right now, so I'm sure they are coming soon.

It is so wonderful to see her learning new things everyday and I am trying to eat up every second of this fun age!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Aww the minnie outfit looks so adorable on her! I love it :) I cant believe she's so big!
