Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mason's First T-ball Game

We had the best time watching Mason's first t-ball game.  He has had a few since then but Nini took her awesome camera to the first game and I wanted to post some of the pictures.  Mason did so awesome.  He did so good paying attention and listening to his coaches!  The Y does not keep score so we don't officially know who won, but i'm pretty sure we won that game!!

Mason warming up.

 Daddy helps out on the field.
 Mason's personal fanclub! I think we had the largest crowd.
 He gave us thumbs up when he got on first base.
 Proud sister!
 Mason and his buddy Curtis(from school) being silly in the field!
 Mason batting left-handed, but he also bats right handed.

 Running home.... his daddy sticks his tongue out when he is concentrating too. I guess it is hereditary.
And he scores!!!

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