Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mason's first Bike

We have tried and tried to get Mason to sleep in his own bed all night. So after many failed attempts with various consequences we decided to try bribery. We promised Mason 10 bucks a day for a whole week if he would stay in his bed. At the end of the week he would have enough money to buy his own bike. Boy was he excited about this offer!! He didn't fuss one bit all week about bedtime or staying in bed. He did AWESOME!!!

Mark had a special bike already picked out and we had to special order from Wal- Mart. It looks just like his daddy's dirt bike.

Mason and daddy at the store picking up the bike.

Mason's new ride...

Mason going for a test ride

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. He should always wear shoes before riding :) Love it!
