Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Here and there

Saturday morning I decided that we would make a surprise visit to the fire station to see daddy. We don't get to go very often since it is so far from the house. Mason has been asking Mark alot of questions about the fire station lately, like where he keeps his gear and random stuff like that. This was a good day for us to go since we had no plans.
Here is Daddy answering the thousand questions Mason had for him! Oh and Mason just had to wear his bunker gear to the fire station!

Rare family photo!

After we left the fire station we headed to my mom's for an impromptu swim party!
Maddie didn't really care too much for this float! She wanted to be out on her own.

She loved the water!

Mason and Mikayla swimming there little hearts out! They had a blast together!

Sunday after church was spent resting and visiting with Nana and Pops.
Mason was so sweet and offered to vacuum the rug for me!

Maddie girl was absolutely exhausted! Her and Mason were watching tv and I found her like this...

She had fallen asleep leaning up against the couch. I would have maybe left her except it was 5 o'clock and I wanted her to sleep that night. Luckily she had no trouble going to bed later that night!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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