Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I woke up Mother's day to Mason asking if it was indeed Mother's Day. When I said yes he quickly responded with " happy Mother's day!" He then told me he had to go get my cards because they were hidden in his room. One was from daddy, he had to work so he helped Mason hide the cards and coached him on what to tell me the next morning. It was really sweet. Then while my mom was making breakfast Mason gave me a back rub. That was the sweetest thing he did all day!
After church my mom and I took the kids to the park for a picnic.

The rest of the day we did a whole lot of nothing. After I finally got Maddie to bed I was skyping with Shana when Mason decided he wanted to jump on the bed. I repeatedly told him to stop then all of a sudden I hear a thud and Mason screaming. He had hit his head on the nightstand. I was so scared but luckily there was no blood, so no need for stitches but he has quite the bruise. So Mason now understands why the doctor says "no more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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