Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mason's first t- ball practice

Mason had his first t-ball practice yesterday and he had a blast. He did such an awesome job of listening and doing what the coach said. It was very hot but he toughed it out the whole hour. I think he is the youngest on his team and he was one of the better players. I'm only a little biased! It was very amusing to watch and I look forward to watching them get better as the season goes! Here a few pics from practice.

Mason running the bases and Mark cheering him on.

Mason got a chance to bat. He hit a couple pretty well and hit the t a few times too.

Mason is standing close to short stop position waiting to field the ball.

I'm plan to take my real camera today and get some better shots. We are hoping the rain holds off til later. If not I'm going to have one very upset t-ball player!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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