Saturday, August 3, 2013

Good bye Papi

Before we moved Maddie was almost papi free. She would take it only at night and nap time. After the move she wanted it constantly. I let her have it for a few months to help her ease into her new atmosphere and I just didn't have the energy to fight her. So a few weeks ago we decided it was time to get rid if it for good. We took her to build a bear and let her pick out a special bear.

She then put her papi inside the bear. She was really excited about being a big girl( at this point).

They washed her.

Then picked out a pretty Cinderella dress for her.

She was all smiles in the mall.

When we got in the car and headed home she had a meltdown and starting undressing her bear thinking she could get to her papi. She finally calmed down but I worried about finding the bear in pieces later and a papi in her mouth. :)

Needless to say its been a few weeks and the bear is still in one piece and we are 100 percent papi free!! It feels good not to constantly worry about losing them. The only downside is that Maddie has not been sleeping very good, most nights she refuses to sleep in her room. Hopefully a few more weeks and we will be back to normal. Hopefully!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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