Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Swim Lessons

This summer we signed both the kiddos up for swim lessons at the Y. Maddie was enrolled in the parent child class. Daddy got in with all the moms on the first day.
It was quite comical watching them. Lucky for me Mason's teacher saw how well Maddie liked the water and let her move up to his class the next day.

They were all ages 3-5

Mason was definitely the bravest in the class. He yelled cannonball almost every time he jumped in the water.

On the last day Mason was jumping in without a noodle and could swim to the side. He had a little help hear and there, but for the most part did it on his own. He still needs lots of practice but so glad he's almost got it.

Maddie seemed to regress as the class went on. Some days she didn't even want to get in the water. Her big accomplishment was being able to stick her face under water and blow bubbles with her mouth and nose. Maybe next summer we can actually work on the swimming part with her.

One class day was devoted to boat safety. They taught them what to do if they fell off a boat. This was one of the days where Maddie refused to get in the water.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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