Sunday, August 25, 2013

The greatest show on earth...

Saturday my mom treated us all to the circus. Mason really loved the show and talked about it for days. Maddie didn't really know what to think. She said she was scared of the Tigers. Which I don't blame her. The tigers seemed really aggressive, clawing and snapping at the trainer. At one point I thought we were about to witness him getting an a bitten off. But anyway I think she enjoyed some parts of the show, but it may have been a little too much for her at this age.

They got to try on the clown costumes. Maddie loved that part.

Mark had more snacks than the kids did...

Zulu with Mason

Mikayla, Shana and Maddie

Enjoying a snow cone. Thanks Aunt Shana!!

Just missing Erin. Although I'm sure she was having way more fun on her cruise!!

Thanks Zuzu for a great time!! We loved it and loved spending the evening with you!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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