Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Disney Day 3

Yesterday we ventured over to Epcot. My mom and I took the kids because Mark was not feeling well.
Here is mom and Maddie waiting for our bus. (mom was on the phone with grandma. Hi grandma, we love you and miss you!!)

At Epcot we had to work a little harder to keep Mason entertained because there was not a lot for toddlers.
Here is Mason and mom making music. When you stood on a lighted square it made a certain sound.

Mason decided to make his own fun while we were in a gift shop. I seriously turned my head for two seconds then turned back and he had found all of this....

In the world showcase he got to color a bear then get it stamped by each country we visited.

Here is how Maddie spends most of here time here.

We learned today that Maddie is getting her first tooth. This explains a week of upset tummy and general crankiness.
The only character we met today was Snow White.

For dinner we celebrated Bri's birthday by going to a Luau at the Polynesian Hotel. It was so fun and the food was awesome.

My favorite part was the guy who was twirling fire.

Actually my favorite part was when they called all the September birthday people on stage to Hula. Bri and Mason were center stage trying to hula. It was so cute. The rest of the night Mason kept asking if he could go back on stage and dance. It was funny!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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