Saturday, September 10, 2011

Road Trip Day 3

Today we headed out of Biloxi at 8 in the morning. We attempted to go to McDonalds but the first one we found was so busy. We finally found one further on up the road that had enough parking for all three of our rigs.

Maddie is always so pleasant in the mornings!

We stopped a few times for fuel and lunch and eventually made our way to Madison, Florida. This campsite has a pool, a huge waterside into a lake, a mini golf course, a playground and all kinds of fun stuff to do! It would be fun to spend more time here.

We played a quick round of mini golf. Mason really wanted to meet Yogi Bear but we missed him earlier in the day. He had to settle for this.....

He quickly got over yogi bear when we told him we would be meeting Mickey tomorrow!! Can't wait!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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