Monday, September 19, 2011

Mason turned 3!!

Yesterday we celebrated Mason's 3rd birthday. Since we are traveling home from Florida we couldn't do a whole lot. I did send Mark after a cake the night before and this is what he brought back...

Luckily Mason didn't care, he just wanted cake!

And what is a birthday without presents.

It was just a little something. He gets the rest next weekend at his party!

The past 3 years have gone by so fast. Mason is seriously the smartest 3 year old I know. He continuously suprises us with the things he comes up with. He has turned into such a daddy's boy but still likes to cuddle with me. I cherish the cuddle time so much because I know the older he gets the less he'll want to(which that's how it should be.). Not a day goes by that he doesn't have us rolling on the floor laughing with something he has said. He is also very good at testing the limits. You draw a line in the sand and his little toes is going to barely touch it! Mason is such a joy and light in our lives, and I can't imagine our lives without him!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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