Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Let's go to the movies....

We have been waiting for Cars 2 to come out so that we could take Mason to the movies for the first time. So we got grandma to watch Maddie and we headed up to the theater. We loaded up on popcorn, pizza and drinks. Mason was so excited and he was so good at first. Well an hour into the movie he says he needed to potty. So we rushed to the potty and came back. By this point he had completely lost interest in the movie. He stopped whispering and started to talk loudly and say he wanted to watch something else. I looked at Mark and said we were going outside. So while Mark finished the movie Mason and I wondered around the arcade pretending to play games. It took mason 40 minutes to figure out we weren't actually playing the games. At that point he started asking where my wallet was and to get out some money. Luckily Mark showed up soon after because we had already spent a small fortune on this little excursion and momma was tapped out.

So I guess we will be waiting till Mason is a tad bit older to go back to the movies!! Oh well you live and you learn!!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Luau fun!!

This weekend we had lots of quality time with the family!! My mom hosted a luau/ murder mystery dinner to celebrate me and my sister's birthdays. We swam for a bit then all got dressed in our luau attire and had a great time!


Sunday we met up with Mark's side of the family at the park. The boys fished again and the kids played in the spray park. It was super hot but everyone had a good time.

 Aunt D brought sidewalk chalk and Mason loved drawing on the sidewalk!
                                             Lily and Mason swinging
                            Maddie slept most of the time, she was exhausted!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Madison is 6 months old!

I can't believe Maddie is 6 months old already. These past few months have flown by. Here is what Maddie has been up to...

Weight: 15.1 lbs she is in the 25 percentile
Height: 24 1/2 inches also in 25 percentile

She is in size 2 diapers, but can still squeeze into a size 1 because momma is trying to finish out the box :) I would hate to waste a diaper.
Maddie is wearing 3 to 6 month clothing.

She is eating 5 ounces of formula every 3 to 4 hours.
This month she starting eating baby food. She loves peaches, pears, apples, prunes, sweet potatoes and squash. She did not like green peas. Her whole body shook and she made the most horrid face. It was so cute! She then refused to eat. She also didn't seem to care for bananas.

This girl loves to eat!

Maddie likes to squeal and giggle alot. She giggles so much when we play peek a boo!

She can roll over in both directions but shows no interest in crawling yet.

Madison has not been sleeping as well this month. She has been waking up several times in the night wanting a bottle. The doctor recommended giving her just water at night, but she didn't like that too much. So like any desperate mother wanting sleep, I caved in and made her a bottle. After consuming her 5 ounces of formula she went right back to sleep. So for now I'm going to do what puts her back to sleep.

Mason has really grown attached to his sister. Every morning he wakes up asking about her and then when he finds her he wants to hold her hand. It is so sweet. He is still learning to be gentle with her but he is already such a wonderful big brother!

Maddie has such a sweet personality and has really started to show that to us! I am so blessed to be her mother!
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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

Mark had to work on Sunday so we celebrated Father's Day on Saturday.  I told Mark it was his day and we could do whatever he wanted.  He wanted to go fishing with his dad.  So in the morning we woke up daddy and gave him his present which was a new tackle box.  This was suppose to be a suprise, but somebody (cough, cough Mason) can't keep a secret.  After we got ready we loaded up and headed to Kennedale. 
When we got to the park the first stop was to feed the ducks.

Mason was really excited about this until the ducks actually showed up to eat.  They got a little too close for comfort!
While the boys were fishing Mason and I headed over to the spray park.  Mason had a blast splashing around.
After the park we stopped by Megan's birthday party then headed home.  We were all exhausted from the sun and heat of they day.  I realized later that I didn't get very many pictures of Maddie so here is a cute one of baby girl and her sweet cheeks!!

The rest of the weekend was spent lounging around and trying to catch up on laundry and housework.
  Fun stuff!

Random photos from the weekend

Here are some random photos from this weekend. Here Mark and Mason are playing firefighter.

Maddie is sitting up! For a few seconds anyways.....

A Father's day post is coming soon! Hope you all are having a great weekend!
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good- bye papi (I hope)

We have been putting this off long enough and tonight is the night. We gathered all the papis Aka pacifiers we could find and put them in a baggie.

He kissed each one good-bye then put them in the bag and hasn't asked for them yet. He does keep asking for the water gun that was promised to him if he sleeps without one. So it's just about bed time and I'm hoping for a papi free night. Praying I don't cave in to the whining and crying. Mark is usually the softy on these things and he's gone tonight, so if we can make it through tonight we should be good. Wish us luck!!

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