Thursday, April 26, 2012

Maddie falling asleep at dinner

I finally figured out how to post videos!  This is one I always want to remember.  Maddie was so tired but so hungry too.  She kept falling asleep while shoveling food.  It was so funny and I still laugh thinking about it.  Mason did the same thing when he was about this age.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Race Weekend

We have not been out to one of Mark's races as a family in awhile and Mark has always wanted to race in Muenster so we packed up and spent the whole weekend at the race. We had a good time and Mark came home in one piece! We had fun hanging out with good friends and doing a whole lot of nothing.

The kids had a blast playing together. Mason and Dakota were cheesing it up for the camera! They are best buds!!

Maddie and Denver playing.

Daddy and Maddie hanging out before the race. This little girl is turning into a daddy's girl. It is sweet!

A rare shot of Maddie actually looking at the camera!

Daddy and his boy at dinner on the way home.

Maddie posing and saying "cheese!"

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Life Lately...

I thought Mark was mowing the yard one afternoon, but I came home to find him in a tree with a chainsaw.
I think he's been watching a little too much Axe Men, but at least he put his helmet on!

Maddie's new hobby is to raid her closet for shoes and try to put them on herself. I'm constantly finding her shoes all over the house.

Saturday night we took the kids camping. This was my attempt to get pictures.
Mason was being goofy!

And while eating out on Sunday, Maddie wanted the cup of queso all to herself.
She was crying because I wouldn't let her have the cup at first, I caved and she thoroughly enjoyed dipping her chips and hands in the cup!

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Garden

Mason was so excited to help with garden at Nini and Pop Pops. He was such a good helper. He doesn't like getting dirt on his hands, so he put one glove on and used a shovel to spread the dirt around.

It was a group effort!

Maddie had strep throat and was just hanging out.

Planting some tomatoes

Grandma and Pawpaw are the garden experts!

They planted tomatoes, squash, zucchini, jalepenos, okra and some other kind of peppers.

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We had a wonderful Easter. After church we spent the day with the fam. We ate pizza, the kids hunted eggs and then we played an intense game of whiffle ball! We had a blast!!

Up bright and early to see what the Easter bunny brought!

Captain America

Cousins!! And yes Mason is digging for gold! Ha

On your mark, get set, Go....

Me and baby girl

Love this face!!

Stuffing leftover eggs in his pockets!

Checking out all the loot!

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Maddie's Easter Party at school

This was Maddie's first Easter egg hunt at school and I was so glad I was able to watch. She didn't really get what to do at first so I had to point and tell her what to do. She eventually got the hang of it then quickly lost interest and just wanted to play on the playground!

She never looks at the camera!

Maddie and her class. This was actually her last day at this school.

Figuring out there was something inside...

She looks like such a big girl here!

She just wanted to play!

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fun at the Zoo

Aunt D came to spend the weekend with us and we had such a fun time. We went to the Waco Zoo and played alot!
Here are some pictures from our weekend!

Maddie had no fear standing so close, but Mason was a little nervous.

He finally warmed up when he saw his little sister had no fear!

A bunch of monkeys!!

Wore smooth out!!

Playing at home

Hiding under a blanket from Aunt D!

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